
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Janet's Clock

I can't believe we had a snow and ice storm yesterday! For crying out loud, it's April! Last year it was so nice that the farmers were in the fields. I am headed for Des Moines tonight so I hope the roads clear off by late afternoon.

If you are in the Des Moines, IA area, stop into Space Doctors Interiors. Gayle has a wonderful fun store, and will be happy to show you some of my pieces that she is carrying in her store.  Actually, I will be there tomorrow night 4/12/13 for the Art Walk.
Space Doctors Interiors is located in Historical Valley Junction, 209 5th St.,West Des Moines, IA
This is a funky little clock I found in Denver at a thrift store. It had ugly black paint on it. I think it had been spray painted, so I sanded most of it off before I started. This was a fun one to do and I was pleased with the color combinations after I got done. I am always kinda iffy about half way through, and then it all comes together later. I always try to pick a focus color to carry through to the bottom. This time (and many times) it is red. See how the red is very subtle in the face of the clock, but it is in there, and then the red knob draws your eye down to the drawer. I like to put big funky knobs on for that pop of surprise.

 For the face, I did a base of light creamy yellow with a hint of orange and let it dry.Oh yeh....the first thing I did was take the hands and clock works off!  .....Next I  just kept swirling orange, and red together until I got the look I wanted, and then put some streaks of periwinkle and apple spice in with a dry brush. I like to blend my colors while they are wet, like in the little cubby hole...You can see the lavender is streaked. I paint one color first, the lavender, and then go back over it with lavender and a little white or really pale lavender and blend them while they are wet. You have to work fast or it will dry out and your brush will drag. If your paint is too dry to work with, you can add some blending gel, which is available at any craft store that carries the craft paints.
Be sure to sign up to be a follower of my blog, that way when I post new things you will be notified by email.
Happy painting to you, and of course if you need some ideas, just email me a picture of your piece and I will be happy to brainstorm with you. I am good at telling everyone else what to do! It is just my own pieces that I ponder on for hours. :) My email is and I would love to hear what projects you are working on.
Ta ta for now, Carolyn

Mary Ann's Curio

People are always asking where I get my pieces. The answer is everywhere! Most of my pieces come from garage sales and thrift stores. Although I have the most luck at garage sales for pricing, I don't pass up anything that looks like it might have some treasures buried there.
I was out checking out a few places in Lincoln, and I saw a drugstore/gift shop that was having a sidewalk sale. Usually I don't find anything so I was really excited when I found this great buy. This is a fun little curio that I was lucky enough to pick up for 5 bucks! It was in good shape because it was new, so I just sanded it all down and got ready to prime. I loved working on this. I actually took it all apart to paint the back panels because I hate trying to get my paint brush and hands into such tiny spots.......then when I put it back together, I hate how it never seems to go together as easy as it comes apart!  For example, I painted the door and was happy with it until I started to assemble it and discovered I had painted the door upside down! Oh well, I wasn't going to paint it over but it was really meant to have the gold and red strip along the top of the door. But you never would have known unless I told ya now, would ya?
I gave this to my sister Mary Ann for her birthday and she loved it. She is fun to show things to, because she always says "that is my favorite thing you have done!" Ha ha! She sure has a lot of favorite things! It is so good for my creative ego.  :)
I really liked the little knobs for the feet and the decorative pieces on top. They are fun to do I think.
What fun things have you been working on? I would love to see them, or if you want some ideas just email me your picture and I will brainstorm with you.  My email is  I would really love to hear from you. Well, back to the ole drawing painting board. I am working on a clock today and will post pictures later.
 By the way, if you are in the Des Moines area, Stop into Space Doctors Interiors  located in the Historical Valley Junction, 209 5th St, West Des Moines, IA. I have several of my pieces there that I think you would enjoy. Ta ta for now! Carolyn